developer Build Update Statements with Oracle SQL Developer and Python By default, SQL Developer can only export INSERT statements. This is quite unfortunate when one needs to build UPDATE statements because their syntax is different. I've tried to use regexp to convert the statements but I didn't find it not straight forward at all. So, I
bulk Bulk Change the Date on Photos I've got a new camera and I forgot to update the date. Consequently, the first photos are taken on 01/01/2017 instead of 04/03/2018. Given that more than 100 photos were taken, it would be a pain to change them one by one. So, here
browser Fix Jenkins Ignored Plugin "Check Now" TL;DR: Check if a browser extension is blocking your request when you click Check Now While playing more with jenkins, I've encountered an error while requesting Check Now for plugin updates: it seemed that my request got ignored. I've tried different URLs (with and without
jenkins Update Jenkins on Ubuntu I've got an installation of Jenkins on a Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS which I needed to update. In order to do so I did the following: 1. Download the new version (2.107 at the moment of writing this post). In /home/user/backup/ execute: wget http:
cx_oracle UPSERT (update or insert) in Oracle with Python One of the things I had to do is to build a script to upload data (e.g. the content of a list of files) into a database with a single table. My table has 3 columns: 1. ID - a 20-character string identifier with PK properties (unique) 2. ARTICLE-
firmware How to update a PSP firmware to 3.03 OE: from A to Z Note: This is a really old post transferred from Laurii for historical and consolidation purposes. I wanted to be able to write my own PSP applications for a while, so I've looked around and update my PSP to a custom firmware... Here's how I did it: