Load a Seasonal Banner in Obsidian
I wrote a user script and a snippet for Obsidian's Templater to load a seasonal banner.

I wrote a user script and a snippet for Obsidian's Templater to load a seasonal banner.
The season.js
script is just a Javascript function which gets a month number as a string (1-12) and returns a season:
This is an Obsidian user script which returns the season of a month.
It accepts a month's number as a string (1-12), to keep it simple.
You can obtain it from `tp.date.now("MM")`
License: MIT
Author: Laur Ivan <[email protected]>
function season(month) {
season = '';
switch(month) {
case '12':
case '1':
case '2':
season = 'winter';
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
season = 'spring';
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
season = 'summer';
case '9':
case '10':
case '11':
season = 'fall';
season = "Undefined for month [" + month + "]";
return season;
module.exports = season
You need to place this script in your Templater scripts folder, so it's recognised as a user script.
Templater snippet
The season-banner.md
templater snippet is just a switch()
statement, with the relevant templater syntax:
<%* let season = tp.user.season(tp.date.now("MM"))
switch(season) {
case "fall": %>
banner: "![[fall-image.jpg]]"
banner_y: 0.84538
<%* break;
case "winter":%>
banner: "![[winter-image.png]]"
banner_y: 0.84538
<%* break;
case "spring":%>
banner: "![[spring-image.png]]"
banner_y: 0.84538
<%* break;
case "summer":%>
banner: "![[summer-image.png]]"
banner_y: 0.84538
<%* break;
} %>
I put the snippet in my Templates/snippets
directory in the vault and I can call it via include
<% tp.file.include("[[season-banner]]") %>
Now, you'll have a banner.
Possible improvements
This is my first Obsidian development and I use this snippet for my notes right now. I can however be made more versatile:
- allow a parameterised array or dict for the input script
- make the season.js more versatile, with hemispheres, astronomical seasons and whatnot
I will improve this if I have some time and make it available in a repository. It's on my TODO list :)
Until then, HTH!