Rules for Your Bathtub

Rules for Your Bathtub

One of the important areas in the house is the bathroom. After looking for more types of tubs, I've got a few generic rules:

  1. First determine the exact dimensions of the space where the tub will be placed and then consider the types of installations that could fit into that area.

  2. Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used bathtub materials to determine which will work best for you. Materials can be:

    • Acrylic
    • Enamelled cast iron
    • Gel-coated fiberglass
    • Cultured marble
    • European steel enamel
    • Natural materials

    and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  3. Find a bath that is a comfortable fit for the person who will use it the most. Try it on first.

  4. Consider quality first and price second. This is an item that is usually difficult to change (unlike a sink) and you'll need it to be "just right". It's also quite expensive to begin with.

  5. If you enjoy soaking, consider adding a massage system. Note this could drastically reduce your options. massage systems include

    • jetted baths (water jets)
    • bubbled baths (air bubbles)

Each of those rules has a practical/technical side as well as a personal taste one. It's also important for everyone in the family to chip in with ideas and comments and be satisfied with the outcome.