I participated the other day at a training wellbeing at work. I found it interesting to do something on the soft skills side.

One of the items was to think about a nice memory and write a Pantoum (a poem with rules) on it. Our rules were:

Line Rule Outcome
1 What you see? Them, my colleagues
2 What do you hear? I hear them talking over hums
3 What do you smell? I smell the un-health of melted cheese
4 What is happening? Everybody's grabbing a slice
5 Repeat (2) I hear them talking over hums
6 What feelings related to (5) do you have? I relate and I'm happy
7 Repeat (4) Everybody's grabbing a slice
8 What do you desire related to (4)? Hope it lasts longer this time
9 Repeat (6) I relate and I'm happy
10 What you are doing on (6)? I'm talking with my mouth full
11 Repeat (8) Hope it lasts longer this time
12 Question related to (11) What do we do later?
13 Repeat (10) I'm talking with my mouth full
14 What do you want related to (10)? I want friends!
15 Repeat (12) What do we do later?
16 Answer (15) We go to the pub!
17 Repeat (14) I want friends!
18 Repeat (3) I smell the un-health of melted cheese
19 Repeat (16) We go to the pub!
20 Repeat (1) Them, my colleagues

The poem

My poem, in all its glory is:

Them, my colleagues
I hear them talking over hums
I smell the un-health of melted cheese
Everybody's grabbing a slice
I hear them talking over hums
I relate and I'm happy
Everybody's grabbing a slice
Hope it lasts longer this time
I relate and I'm happy
I'm talking with my mouth full
Hope it lasts longer this time
What do we do later?
I'm talking with my mouth full
I want friends!
What do we do later?
We go to the pub!
I want friends!
I smell the un-health of melted cheese
We go to the pub!
Them, my colleagues