Excel - Check if item exists in another column

The other day I had to create a "diff" between two lists in excel. More exactly, I had to verify which emails were missing between two lists of emails.
I could find two solutions to this problem, which are listed below. For both, I'll assume that columns A and B contain the two lists and the formula is placed in column C.
Nice way
A more dedicated way is to take the element in B and check it against column A via a lookup. A formula like:
=IF(LOOKUP(B1,A:A)=B2, "OK", "")
will give "OK" if there's a match.
This solution does not require that lists are ordered.
Quicker solution
An alternative solution is with a dedicated MATCH()
This will give the row number if there's a match and a N/A if there isn't.
This solution needs the columns to be ordered.